Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Southern Dames Speech

Just gave a speech to the Southern Dames. Here is part of it.

I don’t serve some of her dishes: no Cooter Soup or Pot Roast O’Bear. Both are illegal. And my older son is a Special Agent for Fish and Wildlife. Nor do I serve the New Yorkers Jugged Rabbit or Alligator- Tail Tidbits….all of which are in her cookbook.

What I do bring to the table are Idella’s Crisp Biscuits, Oven Cornbread, Sour Cream Muffins, Crab Soufflé, Shrimp and Grits and Loquat Preserves. I also cook out of other Florida cookbooks using Marjorie’s guidelines. The food should be fresh and that means local.

1 comment:

  1. I attended this meeting of the Southern Dames and I was so impressed with what I heard that I came home and downloaded a booklist and am now reading anything and everything I can find by MKR. I enjoyed your speech. You have the knack for bringing things to life. Thank you so very much and I Love your blog!

    Linda M Speiser
    Jacksonville Hometown Girl
