Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Yearling Begins Again

I always taught The Yearling in April because all of the vegetation MKR mentions is just outside the classroom window. Now, many years past my time as a teacher, I am reminded of tar bush, fetter bush and loblolly bay. Outside the B&B window is a huge magnolia spreading it shiny leaves over a Cherokee Rose bush. The rose is beautiful but deadly with its massive thorns. Sometimes I get Jody's " sharp pleasure" just from looking at the wild forest in my yard.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lemon Delight

MKR's recipe for Greek Lemon Soup ( page 10 of CCC)requires a lemon. I wonder if she ever grew Ponderosas. This one came from the kitchen garden and actually has only about the juice of one lemon because its rind is so immense.